Friday, April 8, 2011

What is Jan Lokpal Bill?

                              For the last few days the entire country has been supporting Anna Hazare who has kindled the hope of corruption free INDIA. He is on fast for the last 4 days so that the Jan Lokpal Bill could be passed by the Indian Government. But for most of us “Lokpal Bill” is not more than a phrase as most of us do not know what this bill is all about. I have just tried to fetch salient features of this most awaited bill:
  1. The bill has been drafted by Justice Santosh Hegde, Parshant Bhushan and Arvind Kejriwal after taking a poll of people on a public website. The Bill copy was sent to the Prime Minister and all the chief ministers on 1st December, but no one replied.
  2. According to the bill Jan Lokpal will be appointed at the center and Lokayukat at the state level.
  3. These committees would be free from any government just like Supreme Court and Election Commission.
  4. The cases against ministers and officials under any corruption charge can not be put on hold for a long time and the verdict has to be made public in these cases within one year.
  5. Any minister or official found guilty would be sent to jail within two years of the commencement of the case.
  6. If found guilty, the whole money in case of any scam, would be recovered from the accused.
  7. For  Public,  if anyone’s task is lying pending in any government department, the Official will be penalized by the lokpal and the penalty money would be given to the victim.
  1. If there is any delay in release of ration card, ID card or passport, or the police  refuse to register any case, then the victim can approach Lokpal, and the case will be resolved within one month.
  2. Under this bill CBI, CVC, VB and Anti Corruption Deptt. Would be merged into Lokpal and the Lokpal will have authority to investigate and start a case or trial against judge, minister, politician or officials.
 I hope we get this bill passed as soon as possible. This will be another independence for us but this time from our own.

Surjeet Singh

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Medical Tourism in India

                             As the word suggest it means visiting other countries for treatment of  any illness. The importance of globalization is now not only restricted to business and industrial development but also to many other service sectors. And one of the most growing among these service sectors is medical tourism. Presently medical tourism is growing especially in southern Asian countries like India, Malaysiya, Srilanka and Mauritius. But the maximum benefits have been taken by Indian corporate hospitals by attracting huge foreign patients for last decade. As they provide world class treatment in all types of diseases. The major issue for western world is cost of treatment. Now looking into low cost treatment available here, most of the insurance companies are now approving Indian hospital with JCI .As this certification is required for treating any foreign patient in Indian hospitals. JCI recommendation is highly regarded as the best quality certification for any global hospital. The various ailments covered under this policy involve from small OPD based services to major surgical procedures like knee replacement surgery, Heart surgery, liver transplantation, onco surgery, eye surgery, dental procedures. Now India is becoming a hub of this medical tourism as various medical institutions and corporate hospitals like Apollo, Fortis, Escorts and Medicity etc. have improved the quality standard and meet all the requirements ranging from efficacy to safety. They offer substantial reduction in cost of treatment and with excellent success rate.
Surjeet Singh
CIO, Amforma ltd. U..K