Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Mission Marrow

Nothing can be better than a cause for serving human beings struggling for their life.Especially ones who are struggling from fatal and genetic disorders .Today I watched a news showing a recent development in this cause for saving people suffering from thalacemia and blood cancer where the patients need regular and frequent blood  infusion as they their body can not make blood cells mainly RBCs .This can treated partly or even completely with bone marrow transplantation. In this technique of bone marrow transplantation , bone marrow from a healthy being generally from within family member is collected surgically and then transferred to the patients.
Then the patient can start manufacturing their own blood cells after some times.But they have to rely on the donor blood cells or bone marrow. But in the new technique , the donors do not have to undergo a surgical procedure for donating their bone marrow but the cells are transferred just like routine blood donation. An NGO has taken initiative in this regards to spread the awareness about this technique so that more and more donors can come forward to help these patients who are in a poignant situation and have to rely on the mercy of few people.
The mission is called Mission Marrow. So far this Mission has huge number of registered themselves .
Everyone of us can be a part of this mission marrow , by just registering themselves , and if their bone marrow matches , then they can help that particular patient. In-fact the marrow of all the relative does not matches easily as only 25% of patients get their marrow matched with their family members. And in case of non-blood relation or strange , the marrow matches with 1 in 40,000 samples.
So far 19 million people have registered themselves in this mission marrow campaign across the world with USA donors leading in this figure who contribute almost 12 millions , second being Germany with 0.8 millions, Australia 0.13 millions and rest of the countries have just presence like India has only 8000 donors registered themselves for this . The scarce in this registration could be the level of awareness in these countries and fear of surgical procedure which is now a myth.Any one can check the details of hospitals in their respective countries about which hospitals are offering this registration. Even celebrities have started participating in this campaign by registering themselves like bollywood actor Salman Khan has registered him in this cause. But this number is not enough if we see the marrow match ratio , so more the number of registration more the number of patients will be saved.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Where to get High PR backlinks ?

Well, this title may be intimidating for many young and brilliant newbies landing in the field of online marketing of websites or any products. For many reasons either a new online product like website or an old product during their expansion mode might need a booster at a point of time when they feel they reached a deadlock due to inept methods of promotion. This might be true if the do not anticipate the competition in advance and so deliberately create a deleterious and irrevocable situation. Especially when they eye on the business through genuine and loyal search on web. This mindset is responsible for dalliance leading to non-productive resource usage and reducing the profit of an organisation.
The consequences leads to onerous for all the employers dependent on the business. Albeit this situation may augur few creative idea generation from young Babbitt to offer solution , but will this really work in a shorter span of period when the competitors have pulled up their socks and have managed to beleaguer all their peers. This kind of situation is can reversed by an appropriate online marketing strategy like hiking the rank of website or product on the search engines , but is ti possible to achieve this feat in a short span of time , well the answer would be a big YES .
The IT solution providers have now uncovered very valuable information about various active and spearhead of search engines used globally especially the giant Google and Bing which share almost 97% of total search engine market , rest of them are just for their presence.
All these activities are focused on increasing the page rank and Google rank. Search engines decipher the quality of any website through the content present on the site or the number of backlinks to the site.
One of the best site that has managed to cater all these , especially the best answer to "Where to get High PR Backlinks" is
The site has all the spearheads of cyber world ranging from a simple portfolio site to large e-commerce site as their clients.If any try to have a discourse with any of these clients , they will certainly reply as SeoDataService has reformed their Google ranking by increasing the number of  backlinks within stipulated time.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Final Lokpal Bill Draft - 20/12/2011

So Far So Good, yes this can be the right term to define the what Indian Government has done during this session of parliament. This might be the second most awaited time in India's history , obviously the fist being India's Independence. Lokpal Bill was introduced first time in 1961 during Nehru's ruling but since then it has been a roller coaster ride for seekers of this bill, Indian People.
For the last one year this bill has turmoiled India's top politicians , the ruling party UPA might never have thought that the movement by Anna and team would have the potential to shake their existence. On the other hand the other parties whether the leading opposition party BJP or even other state parties have enjoyed watching shuttle being switched between UPA and Anna. At the mean time they have benefited themselves by not only being the beneficiaries of this during Hissar poll but more serious effects could be execution of corruption at all levels of government sector and blaming it to the center to be responsible for the same.
But finally after so many years the Government has passed the following draft which can be considered as the blend of Anna's draft and Government's draft for Lokpal Bill:

Prime Minister in Lokpal  :
The most debatable point in the Lokpal bill has been inclusion of India's Prime Minister under the Lokpal Bill. both UPA and opposition party had almost similar understandings of keeping PM outside this draft . But the Joint Committee has made a road in between by including PM in this Lokpal Bill but with few exceptions.
 1. Prime Minister can be interrogated by Lokpal Bill, but the interrogation will not be made public until the hearing is complete.
2. If Prime Minister gets clean chit in this procedure than the details of hearing will not be made public.

CBI under Lokpal Bill :
1.CBI will not be under Lokpal , but Lokpal can run a parallel interrogation.
2.Director of CBI will be appointed by an independent committee.

Lokpal Committee :
1.There will be 8 members in the Lokpal of any state.
2.The Lokpal will be headed by Ex-Supreme/High Court judge or any eminent personality
3.Four seats in this Lokpal are reserved .

Citizen Charter :
The Citizen Charter has been excluded from this Lokpal bill.
The citizen charter will be executed as an independent bill and will not be under Lokpal

So far so good............

Online Fishing Games

The internet  has now  become the part of our life second to our dependency on mobiles and other gadgets, if we consider electronic gadgets. Today the internet is not only a  source of information but also an excellent pass time by using various kinds of entertainments.The most popular remains music and gaming.
You can  explore types of games from tiny chess to big outdoor games like soccer and rugby. But have you ever thought of playing a game which is usually played not only in outdoor but in real big world. Yes , I am talking about the sports played on oceans, river, sea and even Atlantic games.
You can play Online Fishing Games on various online platforms just to spend leisure time and have fun with those games. This online games trend is not only rising but also helping developers to be more innovative looking into the kind of competition and to improve their games. More and more skill levels and innovative features in those online games has helped retain their popularity as well at this point of time. These games not have their popularity in teenagers but also in adults and older , so we can asses these games are not restricted to age bar.So the scope for these games has a broad and bright future for all the developers who are in the business of developing these new and innovative online games. Get more Olympics Table 2012 Update .
The games like Bass Fishing Games has now millions of fans following them. This game has the capability of not being bore at any time through out the tournament and even their is higher and higher rush of adrenaline as the game progresses and multi level skills keep on challenging the player. Now there is no reason to wait for appropriate timing of the year especially the summer and autumn when you can have an outing with your family and peers to explore the new territory of challenging fishing games which is now available on the net itself.


Saturday, December 10, 2011

US Copyright Registration Process

It has been many years that copyright-center has assisted hundreds of intellectual people in protecting their work through copyrights. But because of some good reasons of updating we were unable to serve our esteemed and intelligent clients. But now we are bang with all new affordable easy and  faster online copyright registration process. We have witnessed that because of lack of awareness many youngsters get exploited because they do not know how to register copyright online for their intellectual properties like websites , computer programs , music, lyrics, literary work , art work ,  photography and composition etc. But its highly necessary to get all these registered under effective US Copyright law. This is also one of the reason that many youngster do not dare share their inventions , new concepts  and work with peers , just for avoiding any loss of their unique idea.Also get all the news of and Olympics 2012 Medals Tally This also lands them in a situation from where they can not attract any investor in their idea. But now the US law for Copyright has become extremely user friendly especially if we get it done through third party assistance which help in easy and faster filling and filing of  US Copyright applications registration  process. This kind of services are now being extremely appreciated and accepted as they assist in protecting one’s intellectual rights.  Few youngster still remain apprehensive in utilizing these highly effective and essential for business rights. While working for many years for many different multinational law organizations I have collected that we should not hesitate in spending  our funds to acquire necessary rights on our intellectual properties , after all these are the works that are going to attract investors as they also try to invest only in a business where their investment is taken care of by law aware leaders. Around the globe  the trend for getting patents and necessary copyright is rising , only because of more awareness of these online registration of copyright. Otherwise hundreds of new ideas would have seen a exploitation or dismissal at the very beginning. US Government has also taken the initiative to protect these intellectual property laws by amending various legal reforms in the country which has helped people and many business not only to survive but also to emerge as an exclusive conceptual business be it any computer software or any art work or or other literary work.