Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Mission Marrow

Nothing can be better than a cause for serving human beings struggling for their life.Especially ones who are struggling from fatal and genetic disorders .Today I watched a news showing a recent development in this cause for saving people suffering from thalacemia and blood cancer where the patients need regular and frequent blood  infusion as they their body can not make blood cells mainly RBCs .This can treated partly or even completely with bone marrow transplantation. In this technique of bone marrow transplantation , bone marrow from a healthy being generally from within family member is collected surgically and then transferred to the patients.
Then the patient can start manufacturing their own blood cells after some times.But they have to rely on the donor blood cells or bone marrow. But in the new technique , the donors do not have to undergo a surgical procedure for donating their bone marrow but the cells are transferred just like routine blood donation. An NGO has taken initiative in this regards to spread the awareness about this technique so that more and more donors can come forward to help these patients who are in a poignant situation and have to rely on the mercy of few people.
The mission is called Mission Marrow. So far this Mission has huge number of registered themselves .
Everyone of us can be a part of this mission marrow , by just registering themselves , and if their bone marrow matches , then they can help that particular patient. In-fact the marrow of all the relative does not matches easily as only 25% of patients get their marrow matched with their family members. And in case of non-blood relation or strange , the marrow matches with 1 in 40,000 samples.
So far 19 million people have registered themselves in this mission marrow campaign across the world with USA donors leading in this figure who contribute almost 12 millions , second being Germany with 0.8 millions, Australia 0.13 millions and rest of the countries have just presence like India has only 8000 donors registered themselves for this . The scarce in this registration could be the level of awareness in these countries and fear of surgical procedure which is now a myth.Any one can check the details of hospitals in their respective countries about which hospitals are offering this registration. Even celebrities have started participating in this campaign by registering themselves like bollywood actor Salman Khan has registered him in this cause. But this number is not enough if we see the marrow match ratio , so more the number of registration more the number of patients will be saved.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Where to get High PR backlinks ?

Well, this title may be intimidating for many young and brilliant newbies landing in the field of online marketing of websites or any products. For many reasons either a new online product like website or an old product during their expansion mode might need a booster at a point of time when they feel they reached a deadlock due to inept methods of promotion. This might be true if the do not anticipate the competition in advance and so deliberately create a deleterious and irrevocable situation. Especially when they eye on the business through genuine and loyal search on web. This mindset is responsible for dalliance leading to non-productive resource usage and reducing the profit of an organisation.
The consequences leads to onerous for all the employers dependent on the business. Albeit this situation may augur few creative idea generation from young Babbitt to offer solution , but will this really work in a shorter span of period when the competitors have pulled up their socks and have managed to beleaguer all their peers. This kind of situation is can reversed by an appropriate online marketing strategy like hiking the rank of website or product on the search engines , but is ti possible to achieve this feat in a short span of time , well the answer would be a big YES .
The IT solution providers have now uncovered very valuable information about various active and spearhead of search engines used globally especially the giant Google and Bing which share almost 97% of total search engine market , rest of them are just for their presence.
All these activities are focused on increasing the page rank and Google rank. Search engines decipher the quality of any website through the content present on the site or the number of backlinks to the site.
One of the best site that has managed to cater all these , especially the best answer to "Where to get High PR Backlinks" is
The site has all the spearheads of cyber world ranging from a simple portfolio site to large e-commerce site as their clients.If any try to have a discourse with any of these clients , they will certainly reply as SeoDataService has reformed their Google ranking by increasing the number of  backlinks within stipulated time.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Final Lokpal Bill Draft - 20/12/2011

So Far So Good, yes this can be the right term to define the what Indian Government has done during this session of parliament. This might be the second most awaited time in India's history , obviously the fist being India's Independence. Lokpal Bill was introduced first time in 1961 during Nehru's ruling but since then it has been a roller coaster ride for seekers of this bill, Indian People.
For the last one year this bill has turmoiled India's top politicians , the ruling party UPA might never have thought that the movement by Anna and team would have the potential to shake their existence. On the other hand the other parties whether the leading opposition party BJP or even other state parties have enjoyed watching shuttle being switched between UPA and Anna. At the mean time they have benefited themselves by not only being the beneficiaries of this during Hissar poll but more serious effects could be execution of corruption at all levels of government sector and blaming it to the center to be responsible for the same.
But finally after so many years the Government has passed the following draft which can be considered as the blend of Anna's draft and Government's draft for Lokpal Bill:

Prime Minister in Lokpal  :
The most debatable point in the Lokpal bill has been inclusion of India's Prime Minister under the Lokpal Bill. both UPA and opposition party had almost similar understandings of keeping PM outside this draft . But the Joint Committee has made a road in between by including PM in this Lokpal Bill but with few exceptions.
 1. Prime Minister can be interrogated by Lokpal Bill, but the interrogation will not be made public until the hearing is complete.
2. If Prime Minister gets clean chit in this procedure than the details of hearing will not be made public.

CBI under Lokpal Bill :
1.CBI will not be under Lokpal , but Lokpal can run a parallel interrogation.
2.Director of CBI will be appointed by an independent committee.

Lokpal Committee :
1.There will be 8 members in the Lokpal of any state.
2.The Lokpal will be headed by Ex-Supreme/High Court judge or any eminent personality
3.Four seats in this Lokpal are reserved .

Citizen Charter :
The Citizen Charter has been excluded from this Lokpal bill.
The citizen charter will be executed as an independent bill and will not be under Lokpal

So far so good............

Online Fishing Games

The internet  has now  become the part of our life second to our dependency on mobiles and other gadgets, if we consider electronic gadgets. Today the internet is not only a  source of information but also an excellent pass time by using various kinds of entertainments.The most popular remains music and gaming.
You can  explore types of games from tiny chess to big outdoor games like soccer and rugby. But have you ever thought of playing a game which is usually played not only in outdoor but in real big world. Yes , I am talking about the sports played on oceans, river, sea and even Atlantic games.
You can play Online Fishing Games on various online platforms just to spend leisure time and have fun with those games. This online games trend is not only rising but also helping developers to be more innovative looking into the kind of competition and to improve their games. More and more skill levels and innovative features in those online games has helped retain their popularity as well at this point of time. These games not have their popularity in teenagers but also in adults and older , so we can asses these games are not restricted to age bar.So the scope for these games has a broad and bright future for all the developers who are in the business of developing these new and innovative online games. Get more Olympics Table 2012 Update .
The games like Bass Fishing Games has now millions of fans following them. This game has the capability of not being bore at any time through out the tournament and even their is higher and higher rush of adrenaline as the game progresses and multi level skills keep on challenging the player. Now there is no reason to wait for appropriate timing of the year especially the summer and autumn when you can have an outing with your family and peers to explore the new territory of challenging fishing games which is now available on the net itself.


Saturday, December 10, 2011

US Copyright Registration Process

It has been many years that copyright-center has assisted hundreds of intellectual people in protecting their work through copyrights. But because of some good reasons of updating we were unable to serve our esteemed and intelligent clients. But now we are bang with all new affordable easy and  faster online copyright registration process. We have witnessed that because of lack of awareness many youngsters get exploited because they do not know how to register copyright online for their intellectual properties like websites , computer programs , music, lyrics, literary work , art work ,  photography and composition etc. But its highly necessary to get all these registered under effective US Copyright law. This is also one of the reason that many youngster do not dare share their inventions , new concepts  and work with peers , just for avoiding any loss of their unique idea.Also get all the news of and Olympics 2012 Medals Tally This also lands them in a situation from where they can not attract any investor in their idea. But now the US law for Copyright has become extremely user friendly especially if we get it done through third party assistance which help in easy and faster filling and filing of  US Copyright applications registration  process. This kind of services are now being extremely appreciated and accepted as they assist in protecting one’s intellectual rights.  Few youngster still remain apprehensive in utilizing these highly effective and essential for business rights. While working for many years for many different multinational law organizations I have collected that we should not hesitate in spending  our funds to acquire necessary rights on our intellectual properties , after all these are the works that are going to attract investors as they also try to invest only in a business where their investment is taken care of by law aware leaders. Around the globe  the trend for getting patents and necessary copyright is rising , only because of more awareness of these online registration of copyright. Otherwise hundreds of new ideas would have seen a exploitation or dismissal at the very beginning. US Government has also taken the initiative to protect these intellectual property laws by amending various legal reforms in the country which has helped people and many business not only to survive but also to emerge as an exclusive conceptual business be it any computer software or any art work or or other literary work. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Muammar Gaddafi dead

TNC news officials have confirmed the killing of dictator Muammar Gaddafi. So Muammar Gaddafi is dead now.Muammar Gaddafi was shot in head and legs after which he died on the roads of Libyan capital. He was in power of Libya since 1969 to date. The rebellions killed Muammar after capturing him in the capital of Libya ,Sirte.
Its worth sharing that he was condemend all over the world for his inhuman pollicies in the country. He was king of oil in Libya. IMF report confirms that Gaddafi collected 143 tonns of gold in last three decades which he kept under huge custody in the reserve bank of Libya and from it was shifted to some other place after the protest broke in the country last year. He was popular because of his colorful  life. He used to have female bodyguards around him. Muhammad Gaddafi was responsible for creating African Union in the Africa as well  whose declaration came from Sirte where it has been confirmed that Col. Gaddafi has been killed by the protesters in Sirte.
But neither NATO nor US official have confirmed the report. But most of the news agencies are now confirming the death of Gaddafi in Sirte who killed this after noon .So with the death of Muhammad Gaddafi a huge sight of rekief is waiting for all the protestors in Libya who were fighting against Libyan dictator Muhammad Gaddafi.Even now Libyan people can imagine for a good future for which they have waited for many decades.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

B.S. Yeddyurappa arrested from his house

In one of the most important political turn around in Karnataka , B.S. Yedduyrappa has been arrested from his house. Today, 15/10/2011, morning Lokayukt court in Karnataka rejected the bail plea of B.S.Yeddyurappa who was charged in a huge land scam. The court issued a warrant to arrest B.S. Yeddyurappa before 4pm.
Its worth sharing the why B.S. Yeddyurappa has been arrested. He became the chief minister of Karnataka in 2008 . He then issued a piece 500 acres land near airport to his two sons. The sons then sold the that land to mine owner of Karnataka with a huge profit going in their on pocket.
The scam came in light when Lokayukat opposed the ongoing illegal mining in the state. When B.S. Yeddyurappa was also found involved in this land scam and misusing his power , he was thrown out of his C.M. chair for which the BJP has to do a lot of efforts as well in the beginning.
It is Yedduyarappa who is believed to bring BJP in power first time in any South Indian  state province.B.S. Yeddyurappa's arrest is not only problematic for Yeddyurappa and family but also for BJP who is running a number of campaigns against Congress on the issue of corruption in the country but now they have got a huge setback after his arrest.Two days back only BJP has been accused of bribing press reporters in M.P. They bribed a number of press reporters to post good reports on Advani's Jan Chetana Yatra.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Steve Jobs Dies

Its really a sad news that Apple co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs died on Wednesday. He was 56 years old.  Steve Jobs died on very next day of Apple launching it next mega product Apple iPhone 4s  which is the modified version of iPhone 4 which could not any wonder like the previous versions of iPhone.
World has lost its one of the greatest innovator Steve Jobs who died yesterday.The Silicon Valley icon who gave the world the iPod and the iPhone resigned as CEO of the world's largest technology corporation in August this year, handing the reins to current chief executive Tim Cook.
Steve Jobs launched Apple with a schoolmate in a Silicon Valley garage in 1976, but was forced out a decade later and returned in 1997 to rescue the company. During his second stint, it grew into the most valuable technology company in the world. The news that Steve Jobs died has spread across the world like fire in a jungle and the whole world of technology is stunned at his early death. Steve Jobs died at 56 only.
Perhaps most influentially, Jobs in 2001 launched the iPod, which offered "1,000 songs in your pocket." Over the next 10 years, its white earphones and thumb-dial control seemed to become more ubiquitous than the wristwatch.
Steve Jobs transformed computers world  from a geeky hobbyist's obsession to a necessity of modern life at work and home, and in the process he upended not just personal technology but the cellphone and music industries.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Wadali Brothers caught with bullets at Amritsar Airport

Today, renowned Punjabi Sufi singers Puran Singh and Pyare Lal known AKA Wadali brothers, has been found keeping 14 live cartridges at Amritsar Airport. They were detained by the police under appropriate legal process and had to face an interrogation of nearly an hour at Sri Guru Ram Das International Airport.
The incident took place when their luggage was being cleared for them to board a Jet Airlines flight from Amritsar to New Delhi, an x-ray machine detected the 0.32 cartridges in one of the handbags.
The singers themselves were shocked at the discovery of cartridges from their bag inside the premises of Amristsar Airport. They explained to have not checked their baggage while packing. They denied any ill-intention saying, “We have an arm license and there was no ill-intention.”
A senior CISF said, “They have admitted their mistake. The cartridges have been confiscated.”
The airport has in the past witnessed a number of hijackings the last being the hijacking of Air India’s flight IC 814, which touched down here on way Lahore, Dubai and eventually Kandahar.
SHO, Airport Police Station, Neeraj Sharma said that the CISF “questioned the singers and they found no foul play or any conspiracy as they had mistakenly brought the ammunition”.
“They were not carrying the arms licence but got it brought from home,” the SHO said, adding that no case was registered.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Mohammad Azharuddin Son dies in road accident

Its a worst day of  former cricketer Mohammad Azharuddin's life as his son Ayazudding died in road accident near Puppalaguda toll gate,Hyderabad, outer ring road.He was brought to Apollo Hospital,Hyderabad in a serious condition. The city police has informed officially that Ayazudding and his friend Ajwal died in the accident Ayazudding and his friend where riding suzuki international bike, Ayazudding was an upcoming and talented league cricketer  and good all rounder.
The incident occured near the Hyderabad International airport when he was racing with his friend Adnan when the incident happened. Azharuddin left for India from Loondon the moment he was informed about this sad news.

Direct Flight from Amritsar to London from October 14,2011

One of the most awaited news by all Punjabis .The second largest airline at London''s Heathrow airport, British Midland International (BMI),the second largest airline at London''s Heathrow airport, today announced that  it will start a direct flight from Amritsar Airport to London.This news has been a real welcome news for all the NRIs and other prospect visitors directly  from Amritsar to London. Earlier they had to board flight from N.Delhi or have to change the flight at Delhi airport but after this declaration it has been a real joyous for all Punjabis to plan their visit directly from Amritsar to London. The flight will commence its first flight on 14th October 2011.

The tri-weekly flight will be the only direct air service available from Punjab to U.K and offers onward connecting options within the island nation besides onward trips to North Atlantic from London on its sister airlines.

The airline is offering economy class return tickets starting from Rs 38,091.
The travel time from Amritsar to London will be 12 hours and from London to Amritsar 11 hrs 35 minutes, with a brief stop-over in Almaty, Kazhakastan, but without changing the aircraft, a statement from the airline said.
The direct Amritsar-Almaty-London flight will depart Amritsar at 0410 (IST), will arrive at Almaty 0745 and reach Heathrow at 1050 (GMT) on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays, while  direct London-Almaty-Amritsar flight will leave Heathrow at 0955 (GMT), arrive Almaty at 2320 and land in Amritsar at 0245 (IST) on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
"Traditionally, Punjab and Britain share deep and strong business and social relations. We are glad to offer customers from Amritsar convenient and shortest route to travel to London," BMI India Sales Manager Vikas Mathur said in the statement. This will also help the spectators of India especially Punjab who are planning to visit UK for the upcoming London 2012 Olympics .
The airline will deploy Airbus A330s, which can seat 232 passengers -- 36 Business Class and 196 Economy Class seats -- in this route.
Please Comment if you find this good initiative ......

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Pics of Royal Weddings of Zara Phillips

Three months after the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge exchanged vows, Zara Phillips, Queen Elizabeth II’s eldest granddaughter will be married in Edingburgh, Scotland on Saturday.Phillips, a former world championship winning equestrian, will marry Mike Tindall, a professional rugby player for Gloucester rugby team in England. Although Phillips was born to the Queen’s only daughter, Princess Anne, her royal status has often been underplayed.

Hugo Vickers, a royal historian, said the upcoming nuptials will not be like the royal wedding that countless viewers worldwide tuned in to watch her cousin Prince William take part in.
Royal historian Hugo Vickers says it will be more "sporting celebrity occasion" than a royal wedding.
"The whole set-up is much more informal, it's very much a family thing," Vickers told BBC News.
"I wouldn't say [Tindall] is marrying into the royal family, rather she is marrying out of the royal family."

Air Crash in USA

The 157 passengers and six crew members aboard a Caribbean Airlines plane were safe after it crashed at the airport in Georgetown, Guyana, Saturday morning, the government said.
The incident happened at about 1:30 a.m. at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport.
For reasons under investigation, the plane was unable to come to a stop on the runway and crashed into a grassy patch, government spokesman Roger Bhulai told CNN.
Several people suffered broken hands, ankles or light head injuries, but there were no fatalities, he said. Several passengers were transported the hospital, though the exact number wasn't immediately known.
The plane's fuselage split in front of the wings, but did not separate from the plane.
"The plane ran off the whole runway," Bhulai said.
The back wheels of the plane touched the runway, but it became unstable when the front wheel touched down, he said.
"It started to wobble when it landed," Bhulai said.
The Boeing 737 was arriving from Port of Spain, Trinidad, Caribbean Airlines said in a statement. The flight originated in New York.
"The airline's primary concern at this time is for those on board the aircraft and their families," the airline said.
Once the plane had come to a stop, the passengers exited from the rear door of the plane, which was lower to the ground than the middle door, Bhulai said. People had to jump out the back door because for some reason the emergency shoot was not deployed, he said.
The crash landing was shocking news in Guyana, a former Dutch colony and British territory that gained its independence in 1966. It has a population of nearly 750,000.
The country's president, Bharrat Jagdeo, went to the scene, along with several of his Cabinet ministers. Jagdeo walked around the plane and talked to passengers for a while at the scene, Bhulai said.
The airline said it was dispatching several officials to Guyana as well.
The airport was closed Saturday morning and at least one flight was canceled. It was expected to resume operations as normal by noo

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Birth Control pills for men..

In an article in the New York Times, reporter Pam Belluck explores all of the male-based methods of contraception currently in development that promise to be more long-term than a condom and require less commitment than a vasectomy. What's remarkable about that story is how similarly it reads to the development of female contraceptives.
The original female birth control pill was developed as a fertility treatment, but when it failed, researchers realized they had a potentially effective contraceptive on their hands. Similarly, most of the male contraceptives that have been developed began as treatments for unrelated illnesses. For example, one drug called gamendazole was first developed as an anticancer drug, but interrupts the maturation cycle of the sperm, rendering it nonfunctional. Two other “accidental discovery” drugs are in early stage development as well: a blood pressure drug and an antipsychotic medication, both of which prevent ejaculation during orgasm.
And it turns out that when it comes to grappling with hormonally-based contraceptive medication, female hormones may be critical in interfering with sperm's ability to start a pregnancy. Belluck reports that a cocktail of the female hormone progestin and the male hormone testosterone may be among the first methods approved. The progestin tricks the brain into signaling the testes to stop producing testosterone, which in turn stops the production of sperm. Testosterone is added in the pill to avoid diminished libido and muscle loss, which can result when the hormone's levels drop too low. So far, in early tests, the agent worked on 95% of the men who tried it, but there are lingering questions about the long-term effects of suppressing testosterone in men.
Such combinations of hormones are already widely used in several female contraceptives, however, such as patches and rings, which package progestin with another female hormone, estrogen. While the two methods work in different ways to inhibit fertilization, their side effects are surprisingly similar.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Psoriasis infects Kim Kardashian

TV personality and model Kim Kardashian has been diagnosed with psoriasis, say media reports. In a recent episode of her hit US reality show, 'Keeping up with the Kardashian,' Kim was seen with big, blotchy red marks on her skin. Evidently symptoms of a skin condition called psoriasis.

According to the report, Kim's mother Kris Jenner also suffers from the condition, which is characterized by dry skin
Stress is also said to be a large factor in causing the skin condition to flare up and with her wedding around the corner, it would be interesting to see if she can lower her stress levels and deal with the diagnosis.
The disease has a largely genetic component involved in it. The condition, luckily, is treatable, but it can be triggered by all sorts of things, including alcohol, stress, upper respiratory infections, dry air, and skin injuries.
The self-proclaimed vain star has admitted to having hair from all over her body removed via laser; Botox treatments and she's rarely seen without makeup, suffice to say she can't be too happy with the visible sin condition.
Unsurprisingly, Kim Kardashianhas decided to go the same route as LeAnn Rimes by openly talking about her psoriasis, stating:
''I'd heard of it before because my mom has always had it, but she didn't have red flaky dots all over her. People don't understand the pressure on me to look perfect. When I gain a pound, it's in the headlines, so imagine what the tabloids will do to me when they see all these spots.''
See Kim's shocked reaction when discovering the psoriasis condition, which will be featured in the upcoming episode of her reality show, 'Keeping up with the Kardashians'.

Iphone for Dementia patients!!!!

The recently released iPhone App called It's Done! is helping dementia sufferers confirm whether they remembered to turn off the stove, lock the door, or take their medication. The app can even notify loved ones and caregivers that a routine task has been done. For those with dementia who use an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, It's Done! can help them deal with memory impairment on a day-to-day basis and improve their overall quality of life.

Available at the iTunes AppStore, It's Done! has received great reviews. One user, with Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease, wrote: "I cannot tell you how long I have been looking for an application just like this one. I have seen it in my mind many times and now it's a reality.... I can tell you with EOAD, you forget everything, just about every day. Does that explain how important this app is? To say this will be useful to me is an understatement. It is user friendly. Very simple to set up. And works excellent.... I highly recommend this app for iPhone and iPad users. It is the best I have ever seen..."

With the It's Done! app, you simply check-mark "Done" your routine everyday tasks (lock the door, turn off the stove, etc.). Later, when the uneasy thought occurs, "Did I remember to...?", It's Done! confirms whether the task is done. No need to re-check or second-guess. No worries at all.

One vital and potentially life-saving feature of the It's Done! app is its ability to automatically generate a text message or email to send others when a task is done. So within seconds of taking a daily medication and check-marking It's Done!, a loved one or caregiver immediately receives a message that the medication was taken. As it provides you confirmation of task completion, the app gives assurance to others, eliminating the need to call or worry.

While most calendar/task apps remind users to do things, It's Done! is designed to help you recall with certainty whether a task is actually done. It relieves that feeling of uncertainty by remembering later what you do now.

Using It's Done! is easy. For example, when going out, lock the door and tap a check-mark next to the "Lock Door" task in It's Done! Later, when that uneasy feeling occurs, "Did I lock the door?", simply look at the app. The check-mark and the timestamp next to "Lock Door" confirms: It's Done! No need to go back to see if the door is locked. In this way, the It's Done! app is both a timesaver and a memory aid.

And if you did forget to turn off the stove? The It's Done! app remembers that, too. The empty check-box next to the task confirms it and lets you take necessary action. That's how It's Done! can literally save the day from potential disaster.

For quick and easy set-up, the It's Done! comes pre-loaded with 40 routine everyday tasks. You can also create custom task names and list as many tasks for the day as desired. Tasks can quickly be set up as One-Time, Recurring, or Scheduled for future dates. Tasks can also be prioritized and categorized for easy sorting and viewing.

It's Done! is designed for constant everyday use: Tasks first appear with an empty check-box and message "Task Awaiting Completion". When a task is done and the check-box tapped, a bright green check-mark appears with a "click"sound and phone vibration. These visual, audible, and tactile cues are unique to the It's Done! app and reinforce confirmation of each completed task. A timestamp is automatically added to confirm when a task is done. The same task to be done multiple times in one day can be checked, unchecked, and checked again, with a new time stamp appearing each time the task is completed. The app keeps track of how many times a task is completed and all completed tasks are stored in the app's history for ready review at any time.

It's Done! even has a Task Reminder to alert you at the appointed time and open the app to complete the task, helpful for prescribed medications, pet feedings, phone calls, and other time-specific Tasks. It's Done! has a complete website with a helpful video User Guide, FAQ, Reviews, Customer Support, and even a Blog.

It's Done! creator, Howard "A.J." Lester, points to the important public service of the app. "Everyone forgets whether they did something every now and then," Lester said, "and, for those people, It's Done! is a handy app for confirming stuff is done. But, for folks who are memory-impaired due to dementia, brain injury, or other medical conditions, this simple and inexpensive, yet vital app can certainly improve their quality of life." And for loved ones and caregivers? Lester says, "We believe It's Done! can create real peace of mind for the caregivers and loved ones of those who suffer from memory-impairment. It's just one more tool for helping everyone rest easy."

Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
* Requires iOS 4.0 or later
* 1.3 MB

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Habits affecting sex drive:TOI

fDo you want to improve your sex life? Then, get rid of your unhealthy habits.
A study has indicated that overeating, being sedentary, smoking, and drinking booze can dampen your sex drive and improves your odds of not having any sex.
A study found that vices contributed to sexual dysfunction in men, and unhealthy lifestyles are more common among both men and women who aren't sexually active.
Danish researchers surveyed more than 5,500 adult men and women, and found that unhealthy habits increase the chance of not having sex by up to 78 per cent in men and 91 per cent in women.
Among the men in the survey who had sexual partners, those with a large waistline had a 71 per cent increase in the risk of sexual dysfunction. Hard drug users had an 800 per cent increase in risk. For women, those who smoked hashish had three times the risk of losing the ability to climax during sex.
"Hopefully our findings can be used in future counseling of patients with unhealthy lifestyles," theIndependent quoted study researcher Morten Frisch, of Statens Serum Institute in Denmark, as saying in a statement.
"Knowing about possible negative consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle to one's sexual health may help people quit smoking, consume less alcohol, exercise more and lose weight," added Frisch.
The study has been published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Earthquake in America and Japan

A strong 6.4-magnitude earthquake hit northern Japan Saturday, but there were no reports of damage and no danger of a major tsunami, geologists said.
The quake struck at 1:34 p.m. (0434 GMT) off the Pacific coast of Miyagi prefecture, around the same area as the giant March 11 earthquake and tsunami, the United States Geological Survey said.
The Japan Meteorological Agency estimated the magnitude at 6.5.
The epicenter was 77 miles northeast of Sendai city, Miyagi's capital, the USGS said, estimating its depth at about 22 miles.
The quake didn't cause fresh damage to the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, according to its operator Tokyo Electric Power.
There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries, while the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said there was "no destructive widespread tsunami threat" although a local tsunami could result from a quake of this size.
The Tohoku Shinkansen bullet train services were halted because of the quake, but resumed shortly afterwards.
The devastating March 11 twin disasters left about 22,000 people dead or missing and triggered an atomic crisis at the Fukushima plant, where emergency workers are still working to cool down the overheating reactors.

Gay T-shirt by Dolly Patron

On a July 9 visit to Dollywood and Dollywood's Splash Country with her wife and a friend's children, Odom wore a shirt that read "Marriage is So Gay." Odom told us, "When we got to Dollywood Splash Country, the man at the entry gate whispered in my ear that I needed to turn my shirt inside out."  Dollywood has a dress-code policy where clothing that is deemed offensive is either covered up or turned inside out.
Owens confirms this in an interview with The Advocate, a gay and lesbian news magazine."Thousands of times a day our front gate hosts are asked to enforce our dress code policy," he said. "It doesn't have anything to do with who the people are or what their belief system is or with anything other than the fact that we try to prevent as best as we can upon entry of the park one of our guests being offended by something someone else is wearing."
In an interview with an NBC affiliate Odom said, "I was curious what he found offensive about the shirt. If it was the fact that it had the word gay on it or that it was in conjunction with the word marriage." Odom sent a letter to Dollywood on the 19th to file her complaint.
"I do not feel that your company has the right to restrict the freedom of speech of its patrons," she wrote in her letter. "My shirt was a political statement of equality."

Earthquake in America

A magnitude 3.3 earthquake struck the Los Angeles area early Saturday with an epicenter about two miles southeast of Gardena, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
The temblor, which hit about 12:36 a.m. PDT, registered at a depth of about 10 miles and produced light to moderate shaking in the area, according to USGS data.
Within a half hour more than 2,000 people had responded to the USGS's query "Did you feel it?", a standard question posed on the agency's website.
Source: LA Times

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Amazing Spider Man trailer leaked

MacBook Air

Can't keep up with all these updates? You're not alone. Here's the CliffsNotes: The entire MacBook Pro line – including the 13-inch, 15-inch, and 17-inch models – is getting a reboot. The 13-inch MacBook now gets anNVIDIA GeForce 320M graphics processor, which Apple says will run graphics 80 percent faster than the current model. The smallest MacBook will also come equipped with a 10-hour built-in battery.
Meanwhile, the 15-inch and 17-inch MacBook Pros have been upgraded to Intel Core i5 and i7 processors and Apple’s proprietary graphics switching technology. That tech toggles quickly between the NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M – the same processor on the new 13-inch MacBook – and a Intel HD Graphics processor. Bottom line: The MacBook line is getting a major hardware boost.
Prices for the new MacBooks remain relatively consistent. The most expensive model is the 2.53 GHz, 17-inch MacBook Pro, which goes for just under $2,300. The cheapest is the 2.4 GHz, 13-inch MacBook Pro, which gets a price tag of $1,199. Apple says that all the new MacBook Pros will come with the Snow Leopard operating system, and "inertial scrolling" for the trackpad.
Apple reps called the scrolling function "an intuitive way to scroll through large photo libraries, lengthy documents and long web sites."
The Apple Store closed for a while late last night, but it opened early on Tuesday with the new line of MacBook Pros. "The new MacBook Pro delivers both performance and efficiency," Apple execPhilip Schiller said in a statement. Apple expects to begin shipping updated MacBooks within 24 hours, according to copy posted to the Apple site.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Macbook Air

Apple today took the wraps off the newest iteration of its popular lightweight MacBook Aircomputer, and judging by the specs, screenshots, and early reviews, this thing is a doozy. Witnessthe Lion OS, the Intel Core i5 and Core i7 dual-core processors – which Apple says make the Air twice as fast as the previous generation – the Intel HD graphics, the FaceTime capability, the back-lit keyboard, and the Thunderbolt ports.
The new Apple MacBook Air will ship in two versions: an 11-inch and a 13-inch. The 11-inch Air weights just 2.38 pounds, while the 13-inch Air clocks in at just under 3 pounds; battery life is 5 and 7 hours, respectively. Both computers are 0.11 inches at their thinnest point, and both computers get the aluminum unibody design. Prices start at $999 for a base-model Air.

The Amazing Spider Man trailer

I’m a huge fan of Sam Raimi‘s original great series of films, and Spider-Man 2 remains very high on my list of greatest comic book superhero films ever produced. So I was sad to see that series end abruptly without a chance to bring everything to a formal close.
That said, though, I’ve watched through the production, and my faith in the filmmakers and their loyalty to the source material and to fans is unquestionable at this point. They did a lot of stunts and web-slinging in real life instead of all CGI, they’re bringing back much more of the science-geek angle with Peter building his own web-shooters, and the casting is perfect, across the board.
Now, with this trailer, I’m hooked. I LOVE that end shot! This film is aptly named, because that trailer does look amazing.
The Amazing Spider-Man releases July 3, 2012. Next summer is packed full of greatness for comic book fans, and it can’t get here soon enough.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

News Corp in crisis

As news corp s in crisis
The Wall Street Journal's headline says it all: "Showdown Time Comes for Murdoch." But even as US questions arise, fellow media mogul Steve Forbes writes that Rupert Murdoch will "survive and thrive again."
As the News Corp. chairman and CEO, his son James and the embattled former (resigned and then arrested) News International head Rebekah Brooks appear before a three-hour parliamentary hearing into phone-hacking allegations in London today, Bloomberg News is reporting that Rupert Murdoch is ready to step down.
News Corp. COO Chase Carey is on standby to assume the CEO position, according to Bloomberg, while Murdoch would remain chairman in that scenario — all depending how today's hearing goes. News Corp in crisis

Story of Murdoch Scandal

Murdoch makes fresh apology that Brooks is arrested by the British police
* Figures in Britain phone hacking scandal
* Thank you and goodbye, said News of the World
London: two days before it was clear that the news of the world had murdered schoolgirl mobile hacked, igniting a scandal that his son James Rupert Murdoch media empire told friends that he thought that the worst of the problems were behind him has shaken.
And was convinced that the delivery of News Corp 12 million dollars for the company of the British Sky Broadcasting satellite, according to a person would present.
Now, with his Lieutenant more confidence, Rebekah Brooks, persons detained on suspicion of phone hacking and paying the police for information, links, news broadcasting bid of the seal in the world and the other nine prisoners, Rupert and James Murdoch 168 years before a British Parliament upset on Tuesday is scheduled.
It is a spectacle of closest to Rupert Murdoch for years trying to avoid.
Interviews with dozens of people involved in the scandal of hacking, including current and former employees of News Corp.
give a picture of how a small group of executives strategies for years that the effect was adopted of hiding the extent of the abuses in the press room for News of the World, the best-selling tabloid in Britain. And once the hacking scandal reported, they unsuccessfully scrambled quarantine for the damage.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Heard about RailTel?

RailTel is also termed as BroadBand Network Across Country. RailTel is a unique project driven under PPP service model to execute Country Wide Broad Band Services in India using it extensive high capability of Fiber Network infrastructure. Most of us are not aware of this program and thus failing to see the benefits of this project for all Indian which will certainly boost the India’s telecom growth and GDP growth in the coming years.
Features of RailNet:
1.      Broadband rollout in PPP mode
2.     Telecom infrastructure across 4000 stations to be used for the initiative
3.      Concession Period of agreement to be 20 years extendable by 10 years
4.       Freedom to choose broadband technology , tariff policy , sales and marketing and customer support
India has the largest network of Railways across the world which can be utilized effectively to provide a basic infrastructure to the growing telecom services in India through parallel lining of optic fibers .This will ensure immense penetration of broadband services in India. As we know a 10% increase in broadband penetration leads to 1.38 percentage increase in per capita GDP growth of any country. Thus by using RailNet project we can ensure a double digit growth in India and can increase the India’s GDP to many times. This is very ambitious project undertaken by the Railtel Corporation Of India Ltd. The plan seems to be very effective and accurate if executed well but as we India is a country of regulations only , this project may see some delay. But any other country would certainly like use this kind of asset in their country to the fullest. But DoT , TRAI , Railway and Indian government seems to be very aggressive this time and trying to make every process transparent and effective. The project will ensure a faster broadband connectivity to all the Indian villages which can be utilized various beneficial applications like internet connectivity, e-mail conversation, e-learning and e-governance. India Inc can witness a great leap in their growth story only through development and execution of these kinds of projects in rural India. India is passing through a phase of telecom revolution through the launch of much awaited 3g services in India and the parallel launch of RailTel will certainly enhance the pace of this revolution. 
Surjeet Singh

Friday, April 8, 2011

What is Jan Lokpal Bill?

                              For the last few days the entire country has been supporting Anna Hazare who has kindled the hope of corruption free INDIA. He is on fast for the last 4 days so that the Jan Lokpal Bill could be passed by the Indian Government. But for most of us “Lokpal Bill” is not more than a phrase as most of us do not know what this bill is all about. I have just tried to fetch salient features of this most awaited bill:
  1. The bill has been drafted by Justice Santosh Hegde, Parshant Bhushan and Arvind Kejriwal after taking a poll of people on a public website. The Bill copy was sent to the Prime Minister and all the chief ministers on 1st December, but no one replied.
  2. According to the bill Jan Lokpal will be appointed at the center and Lokayukat at the state level.
  3. These committees would be free from any government just like Supreme Court and Election Commission.
  4. The cases against ministers and officials under any corruption charge can not be put on hold for a long time and the verdict has to be made public in these cases within one year.
  5. Any minister or official found guilty would be sent to jail within two years of the commencement of the case.
  6. If found guilty, the whole money in case of any scam, would be recovered from the accused.
  7. For  Public,  if anyone’s task is lying pending in any government department, the Official will be penalized by the lokpal and the penalty money would be given to the victim.
  1. If there is any delay in release of ration card, ID card or passport, or the police  refuse to register any case, then the victim can approach Lokpal, and the case will be resolved within one month.
  2. Under this bill CBI, CVC, VB and Anti Corruption Deptt. Would be merged into Lokpal and the Lokpal will have authority to investigate and start a case or trial against judge, minister, politician or officials.
 I hope we get this bill passed as soon as possible. This will be another independence for us but this time from our own.

Surjeet Singh

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Medical Tourism in India

                             As the word suggest it means visiting other countries for treatment of  any illness. The importance of globalization is now not only restricted to business and industrial development but also to many other service sectors. And one of the most growing among these service sectors is medical tourism. Presently medical tourism is growing especially in southern Asian countries like India, Malaysiya, Srilanka and Mauritius. But the maximum benefits have been taken by Indian corporate hospitals by attracting huge foreign patients for last decade. As they provide world class treatment in all types of diseases. The major issue for western world is cost of treatment. Now looking into low cost treatment available here, most of the insurance companies are now approving Indian hospital with JCI .As this certification is required for treating any foreign patient in Indian hospitals. JCI recommendation is highly regarded as the best quality certification for any global hospital. The various ailments covered under this policy involve from small OPD based services to major surgical procedures like knee replacement surgery, Heart surgery, liver transplantation, onco surgery, eye surgery, dental procedures. Now India is becoming a hub of this medical tourism as various medical institutions and corporate hospitals like Apollo, Fortis, Escorts and Medicity etc. have improved the quality standard and meet all the requirements ranging from efficacy to safety. They offer substantial reduction in cost of treatment and with excellent success rate.
Surjeet Singh
CIO, Amforma ltd. U..K

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Its raining heavily in Mohali just on the eve of high voltage semi-final between the arch rival India and Pakistan .All the players are set to go tomorrow but unusual weather at this time of the year has put the tomorrow's match on hold. Media has reported rain in Mohali and other adjoining places like Shimla.
I hope the rain does not spoil this game.ICC has already reserved a day for this kind of situation. But how will we wait for another day.
In the first semi final Srilanka registered a stunning victory over the Kiwis with few hiccups in the middle of the inning.
At this point i can say only one thing "Rain Rain Go To Spain Never Come Back Again"
Surjeet Singh

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Semi final ticket for Overseas fans..

                      I live in Mohali but did not expect that the most awaited semi final between India and Pakistan would be played here, so missed the chance to buy the ticket. I have just tried to check the availability online but i could not find any link to book the ticket.Sad for all fans here.I think i have to wait in the queue on 27th when the tickets will be sold outside the stadium.A lot of overseas friends have called me to get the tickets for them , I will surely try to get one.
Surjeet Singh

Bye Bye Australia.

So finally we have seen an exit of Australia without the trophy.And its proud moment for India to send them back. The boasters have been made quite by a great team work by the Indian Cricket team.Indian bowlers unexpectedly restricted below 300 runs. And then a good small partnerships through the chase lead them to register there first victory over Australia in a world cup match , after 11 encounters.It will be the first time that Australia has not reached in the semi final.
Now we will see the most awaited match of this world cup when India will take on arch rival Pakistan.
Well done Men Blue...

First man on planet to reach 18000

                                       Today, Sachin made more than 1 billion people feel proud as he completed 18000 runs in ODIs. He is the first and could be the only man to achieve this. We may not see this record broken for at least next two decades.This is going to be Sachin's world cup.And what more can we expect when the record has been while playing the champion Australia. Notably Ponting has challenged Sachin that he would not let him complete his 100th century in this match. I hope he completes his 100*100 and gives a answer to that boaster.
Congrats to him.Keep it up.
Surjeet Singh

'RUPAY CARD' replaces Master/Visa Card

                           India Inc. has added another feather in its cap as after a gap of two years of planning, the National Payments Corporation has at last finalized the launch of its own payment card “Rupay Card”. The card will be an indigenous replacement for Master and Visa card.
                           To date domestic banks have no option but to tie up with Visa or Master card for connectivity between card holders, merchants and  issuing banks not just within the country but across the globe in the absence of domestic card. Every transaction done using a debit or credit card issued by a domestic bank is routed through server network owned by Visa or Master Card, based outside the country. They charge hugely to provide these services. In the year 2010, domestic banks paid more than Rs.500 crore in total as fee to these firms for processing all debit and credit card transactions.
                           The Rupay Card will be initially launching as domestic ATM/debit card followed by international credit card later on. The commercial launch is expected in few months. Ernst & Young financial consultancy firm will develop and roll out the complete architecture, including the logo, card design and software for the “RUPAY CARD”. Really a great news for us.
Surjeet Singh

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bring a change for parents...

                                     “My Daddy Strongest” I am sure that all of us have forgotten this phrase which has always made us believe safe and brave in our school days, but now why have we forgotten this?
                                     Have you ever thought who held our hand when we took our step of life, who kept awake through out the night when our body was just one degree more, who let you not fall from the first bicycle ride, why do forget our first teacher?
I am too one you who has unconsciously ignored my parents, family members and childhood friends.
                         But Why? All of us have only one standardized reason/excuse “career” and our “passionate dream”. But we always forget our parents who never slept for days just to take care of our dreams. But now why we are so helpless to look after them. We are the best followers of the western world and hence how can we forget our new achievement “Old Age Home”. Is this a growth indicator or new synonymous of impassiveness? Second excuse “Very Busy”/ “No Time”. Is it true? When we have enough time to update our status on social networks daily or when we watch a T20 match.
I am not here to teach you, I am just trying to share with you what we can do for them even in our busy schedule to make them feel happy and cared.
1. Just one call on every alternate day….             Possible?
2. Touch their feet when you visit your home…    Possible?
3. An outdoor lunch/dinner when at home…        Possible?
4. Show your salary draft to your father….          Possible?
5. Give Jadoo ki Jhappi to your mother …          Possible?
6. Voluntarily take them for annual health check once a year.    Possible ?

I know the list can be as long as we can think. But I want your help to make it longer and longer.
Please suggest few more  ideas.………..
Surjeet Singh