Monday, July 25, 2011

Iphone for Dementia patients!!!!

The recently released iPhone App called It's Done! is helping dementia sufferers confirm whether they remembered to turn off the stove, lock the door, or take their medication. The app can even notify loved ones and caregivers that a routine task has been done. For those with dementia who use an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, It's Done! can help them deal with memory impairment on a day-to-day basis and improve their overall quality of life.

Available at the iTunes AppStore, It's Done! has received great reviews. One user, with Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease, wrote: "I cannot tell you how long I have been looking for an application just like this one. I have seen it in my mind many times and now it's a reality.... I can tell you with EOAD, you forget everything, just about every day. Does that explain how important this app is? To say this will be useful to me is an understatement. It is user friendly. Very simple to set up. And works excellent.... I highly recommend this app for iPhone and iPad users. It is the best I have ever seen..."

With the It's Done! app, you simply check-mark "Done" your routine everyday tasks (lock the door, turn off the stove, etc.). Later, when the uneasy thought occurs, "Did I remember to...?", It's Done! confirms whether the task is done. No need to re-check or second-guess. No worries at all.

One vital and potentially life-saving feature of the It's Done! app is its ability to automatically generate a text message or email to send others when a task is done. So within seconds of taking a daily medication and check-marking It's Done!, a loved one or caregiver immediately receives a message that the medication was taken. As it provides you confirmation of task completion, the app gives assurance to others, eliminating the need to call or worry.

While most calendar/task apps remind users to do things, It's Done! is designed to help you recall with certainty whether a task is actually done. It relieves that feeling of uncertainty by remembering later what you do now.

Using It's Done! is easy. For example, when going out, lock the door and tap a check-mark next to the "Lock Door" task in It's Done! Later, when that uneasy feeling occurs, "Did I lock the door?", simply look at the app. The check-mark and the timestamp next to "Lock Door" confirms: It's Done! No need to go back to see if the door is locked. In this way, the It's Done! app is both a timesaver and a memory aid.

And if you did forget to turn off the stove? The It's Done! app remembers that, too. The empty check-box next to the task confirms it and lets you take necessary action. That's how It's Done! can literally save the day from potential disaster.

For quick and easy set-up, the It's Done! comes pre-loaded with 40 routine everyday tasks. You can also create custom task names and list as many tasks for the day as desired. Tasks can quickly be set up as One-Time, Recurring, or Scheduled for future dates. Tasks can also be prioritized and categorized for easy sorting and viewing.

It's Done! is designed for constant everyday use: Tasks first appear with an empty check-box and message "Task Awaiting Completion". When a task is done and the check-box tapped, a bright green check-mark appears with a "click"sound and phone vibration. These visual, audible, and tactile cues are unique to the It's Done! app and reinforce confirmation of each completed task. A timestamp is automatically added to confirm when a task is done. The same task to be done multiple times in one day can be checked, unchecked, and checked again, with a new time stamp appearing each time the task is completed. The app keeps track of how many times a task is completed and all completed tasks are stored in the app's history for ready review at any time.

It's Done! even has a Task Reminder to alert you at the appointed time and open the app to complete the task, helpful for prescribed medications, pet feedings, phone calls, and other time-specific Tasks. It's Done! has a complete website with a helpful video User Guide, FAQ, Reviews, Customer Support, and even a Blog.

It's Done! creator, Howard "A.J." Lester, points to the important public service of the app. "Everyone forgets whether they did something every now and then," Lester said, "and, for those people, It's Done! is a handy app for confirming stuff is done. But, for folks who are memory-impaired due to dementia, brain injury, or other medical conditions, this simple and inexpensive, yet vital app can certainly improve their quality of life." And for loved ones and caregivers? Lester says, "We believe It's Done! can create real peace of mind for the caregivers and loved ones of those who suffer from memory-impairment. It's just one more tool for helping everyone rest easy."

Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
* Requires iOS 4.0 or later
* 1.3 MB

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