Saturday, July 30, 2011

Pics of Royal Weddings of Zara Phillips

Three months after the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge exchanged vows, Zara Phillips, Queen Elizabeth II’s eldest granddaughter will be married in Edingburgh, Scotland on Saturday.Phillips, a former world championship winning equestrian, will marry Mike Tindall, a professional rugby player for Gloucester rugby team in England. Although Phillips was born to the Queen’s only daughter, Princess Anne, her royal status has often been underplayed.

Hugo Vickers, a royal historian, said the upcoming nuptials will not be like the royal wedding that countless viewers worldwide tuned in to watch her cousin Prince William take part in.
Royal historian Hugo Vickers says it will be more "sporting celebrity occasion" than a royal wedding.
"The whole set-up is much more informal, it's very much a family thing," Vickers told BBC News.
"I wouldn't say [Tindall] is marrying into the royal family, rather she is marrying out of the royal family."

Air Crash in USA

The 157 passengers and six crew members aboard a Caribbean Airlines plane were safe after it crashed at the airport in Georgetown, Guyana, Saturday morning, the government said.
The incident happened at about 1:30 a.m. at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport.
For reasons under investigation, the plane was unable to come to a stop on the runway and crashed into a grassy patch, government spokesman Roger Bhulai told CNN.
Several people suffered broken hands, ankles or light head injuries, but there were no fatalities, he said. Several passengers were transported the hospital, though the exact number wasn't immediately known.
The plane's fuselage split in front of the wings, but did not separate from the plane.
"The plane ran off the whole runway," Bhulai said.
The back wheels of the plane touched the runway, but it became unstable when the front wheel touched down, he said.
"It started to wobble when it landed," Bhulai said.
The Boeing 737 was arriving from Port of Spain, Trinidad, Caribbean Airlines said in a statement. The flight originated in New York.
"The airline's primary concern at this time is for those on board the aircraft and their families," the airline said.
Once the plane had come to a stop, the passengers exited from the rear door of the plane, which was lower to the ground than the middle door, Bhulai said. People had to jump out the back door because for some reason the emergency shoot was not deployed, he said.
The crash landing was shocking news in Guyana, a former Dutch colony and British territory that gained its independence in 1966. It has a population of nearly 750,000.
The country's president, Bharrat Jagdeo, went to the scene, along with several of his Cabinet ministers. Jagdeo walked around the plane and talked to passengers for a while at the scene, Bhulai said.
The airline said it was dispatching several officials to Guyana as well.
The airport was closed Saturday morning and at least one flight was canceled. It was expected to resume operations as normal by noo

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Birth Control pills for men..

In an article in the New York Times, reporter Pam Belluck explores all of the male-based methods of contraception currently in development that promise to be more long-term than a condom and require less commitment than a vasectomy. What's remarkable about that story is how similarly it reads to the development of female contraceptives.
The original female birth control pill was developed as a fertility treatment, but when it failed, researchers realized they had a potentially effective contraceptive on their hands. Similarly, most of the male contraceptives that have been developed began as treatments for unrelated illnesses. For example, one drug called gamendazole was first developed as an anticancer drug, but interrupts the maturation cycle of the sperm, rendering it nonfunctional. Two other “accidental discovery” drugs are in early stage development as well: a blood pressure drug and an antipsychotic medication, both of which prevent ejaculation during orgasm.
And it turns out that when it comes to grappling with hormonally-based contraceptive medication, female hormones may be critical in interfering with sperm's ability to start a pregnancy. Belluck reports that a cocktail of the female hormone progestin and the male hormone testosterone may be among the first methods approved. The progestin tricks the brain into signaling the testes to stop producing testosterone, which in turn stops the production of sperm. Testosterone is added in the pill to avoid diminished libido and muscle loss, which can result when the hormone's levels drop too low. So far, in early tests, the agent worked on 95% of the men who tried it, but there are lingering questions about the long-term effects of suppressing testosterone in men.
Such combinations of hormones are already widely used in several female contraceptives, however, such as patches and rings, which package progestin with another female hormone, estrogen. While the two methods work in different ways to inhibit fertilization, their side effects are surprisingly similar.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Psoriasis infects Kim Kardashian

TV personality and model Kim Kardashian has been diagnosed with psoriasis, say media reports. In a recent episode of her hit US reality show, 'Keeping up with the Kardashian,' Kim was seen with big, blotchy red marks on her skin. Evidently symptoms of a skin condition called psoriasis.

According to the report, Kim's mother Kris Jenner also suffers from the condition, which is characterized by dry skin
Stress is also said to be a large factor in causing the skin condition to flare up and with her wedding around the corner, it would be interesting to see if she can lower her stress levels and deal with the diagnosis.
The disease has a largely genetic component involved in it. The condition, luckily, is treatable, but it can be triggered by all sorts of things, including alcohol, stress, upper respiratory infections, dry air, and skin injuries.
The self-proclaimed vain star has admitted to having hair from all over her body removed via laser; Botox treatments and she's rarely seen without makeup, suffice to say she can't be too happy with the visible sin condition.
Unsurprisingly, Kim Kardashianhas decided to go the same route as LeAnn Rimes by openly talking about her psoriasis, stating:
''I'd heard of it before because my mom has always had it, but she didn't have red flaky dots all over her. People don't understand the pressure on me to look perfect. When I gain a pound, it's in the headlines, so imagine what the tabloids will do to me when they see all these spots.''
See Kim's shocked reaction when discovering the psoriasis condition, which will be featured in the upcoming episode of her reality show, 'Keeping up with the Kardashians'.

Iphone for Dementia patients!!!!

The recently released iPhone App called It's Done! is helping dementia sufferers confirm whether they remembered to turn off the stove, lock the door, or take their medication. The app can even notify loved ones and caregivers that a routine task has been done. For those with dementia who use an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, It's Done! can help them deal with memory impairment on a day-to-day basis and improve their overall quality of life.

Available at the iTunes AppStore, It's Done! has received great reviews. One user, with Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease, wrote: "I cannot tell you how long I have been looking for an application just like this one. I have seen it in my mind many times and now it's a reality.... I can tell you with EOAD, you forget everything, just about every day. Does that explain how important this app is? To say this will be useful to me is an understatement. It is user friendly. Very simple to set up. And works excellent.... I highly recommend this app for iPhone and iPad users. It is the best I have ever seen..."

With the It's Done! app, you simply check-mark "Done" your routine everyday tasks (lock the door, turn off the stove, etc.). Later, when the uneasy thought occurs, "Did I remember to...?", It's Done! confirms whether the task is done. No need to re-check or second-guess. No worries at all.

One vital and potentially life-saving feature of the It's Done! app is its ability to automatically generate a text message or email to send others when a task is done. So within seconds of taking a daily medication and check-marking It's Done!, a loved one or caregiver immediately receives a message that the medication was taken. As it provides you confirmation of task completion, the app gives assurance to others, eliminating the need to call or worry.

While most calendar/task apps remind users to do things, It's Done! is designed to help you recall with certainty whether a task is actually done. It relieves that feeling of uncertainty by remembering later what you do now.

Using It's Done! is easy. For example, when going out, lock the door and tap a check-mark next to the "Lock Door" task in It's Done! Later, when that uneasy feeling occurs, "Did I lock the door?", simply look at the app. The check-mark and the timestamp next to "Lock Door" confirms: It's Done! No need to go back to see if the door is locked. In this way, the It's Done! app is both a timesaver and a memory aid.

And if you did forget to turn off the stove? The It's Done! app remembers that, too. The empty check-box next to the task confirms it and lets you take necessary action. That's how It's Done! can literally save the day from potential disaster.

For quick and easy set-up, the It's Done! comes pre-loaded with 40 routine everyday tasks. You can also create custom task names and list as many tasks for the day as desired. Tasks can quickly be set up as One-Time, Recurring, or Scheduled for future dates. Tasks can also be prioritized and categorized for easy sorting and viewing.

It's Done! is designed for constant everyday use: Tasks first appear with an empty check-box and message "Task Awaiting Completion". When a task is done and the check-box tapped, a bright green check-mark appears with a "click"sound and phone vibration. These visual, audible, and tactile cues are unique to the It's Done! app and reinforce confirmation of each completed task. A timestamp is automatically added to confirm when a task is done. The same task to be done multiple times in one day can be checked, unchecked, and checked again, with a new time stamp appearing each time the task is completed. The app keeps track of how many times a task is completed and all completed tasks are stored in the app's history for ready review at any time.

It's Done! even has a Task Reminder to alert you at the appointed time and open the app to complete the task, helpful for prescribed medications, pet feedings, phone calls, and other time-specific Tasks. It's Done! has a complete website with a helpful video User Guide, FAQ, Reviews, Customer Support, and even a Blog.

It's Done! creator, Howard "A.J." Lester, points to the important public service of the app. "Everyone forgets whether they did something every now and then," Lester said, "and, for those people, It's Done! is a handy app for confirming stuff is done. But, for folks who are memory-impaired due to dementia, brain injury, or other medical conditions, this simple and inexpensive, yet vital app can certainly improve their quality of life." And for loved ones and caregivers? Lester says, "We believe It's Done! can create real peace of mind for the caregivers and loved ones of those who suffer from memory-impairment. It's just one more tool for helping everyone rest easy."

Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
* Requires iOS 4.0 or later
* 1.3 MB

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Habits affecting sex drive:TOI

fDo you want to improve your sex life? Then, get rid of your unhealthy habits.
A study has indicated that overeating, being sedentary, smoking, and drinking booze can dampen your sex drive and improves your odds of not having any sex.
A study found that vices contributed to sexual dysfunction in men, and unhealthy lifestyles are more common among both men and women who aren't sexually active.
Danish researchers surveyed more than 5,500 adult men and women, and found that unhealthy habits increase the chance of not having sex by up to 78 per cent in men and 91 per cent in women.
Among the men in the survey who had sexual partners, those with a large waistline had a 71 per cent increase in the risk of sexual dysfunction. Hard drug users had an 800 per cent increase in risk. For women, those who smoked hashish had three times the risk of losing the ability to climax during sex.
"Hopefully our findings can be used in future counseling of patients with unhealthy lifestyles," theIndependent quoted study researcher Morten Frisch, of Statens Serum Institute in Denmark, as saying in a statement.
"Knowing about possible negative consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle to one's sexual health may help people quit smoking, consume less alcohol, exercise more and lose weight," added Frisch.
The study has been published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Earthquake in America and Japan

A strong 6.4-magnitude earthquake hit northern Japan Saturday, but there were no reports of damage and no danger of a major tsunami, geologists said.
The quake struck at 1:34 p.m. (0434 GMT) off the Pacific coast of Miyagi prefecture, around the same area as the giant March 11 earthquake and tsunami, the United States Geological Survey said.
The Japan Meteorological Agency estimated the magnitude at 6.5.
The epicenter was 77 miles northeast of Sendai city, Miyagi's capital, the USGS said, estimating its depth at about 22 miles.
The quake didn't cause fresh damage to the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, according to its operator Tokyo Electric Power.
There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries, while the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said there was "no destructive widespread tsunami threat" although a local tsunami could result from a quake of this size.
The Tohoku Shinkansen bullet train services were halted because of the quake, but resumed shortly afterwards.
The devastating March 11 twin disasters left about 22,000 people dead or missing and triggered an atomic crisis at the Fukushima plant, where emergency workers are still working to cool down the overheating reactors.

Gay T-shirt by Dolly Patron

On a July 9 visit to Dollywood and Dollywood's Splash Country with her wife and a friend's children, Odom wore a shirt that read "Marriage is So Gay." Odom told us, "When we got to Dollywood Splash Country, the man at the entry gate whispered in my ear that I needed to turn my shirt inside out."  Dollywood has a dress-code policy where clothing that is deemed offensive is either covered up or turned inside out.
Owens confirms this in an interview with The Advocate, a gay and lesbian news magazine."Thousands of times a day our front gate hosts are asked to enforce our dress code policy," he said. "It doesn't have anything to do with who the people are or what their belief system is or with anything other than the fact that we try to prevent as best as we can upon entry of the park one of our guests being offended by something someone else is wearing."
In an interview with an NBC affiliate Odom said, "I was curious what he found offensive about the shirt. If it was the fact that it had the word gay on it or that it was in conjunction with the word marriage." Odom sent a letter to Dollywood on the 19th to file her complaint.
"I do not feel that your company has the right to restrict the freedom of speech of its patrons," she wrote in her letter. "My shirt was a political statement of equality."

Earthquake in America

A magnitude 3.3 earthquake struck the Los Angeles area early Saturday with an epicenter about two miles southeast of Gardena, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
The temblor, which hit about 12:36 a.m. PDT, registered at a depth of about 10 miles and produced light to moderate shaking in the area, according to USGS data.
Within a half hour more than 2,000 people had responded to the USGS's query "Did you feel it?", a standard question posed on the agency's website.
Source: LA Times

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Amazing Spider Man trailer leaked

MacBook Air

Can't keep up with all these updates? You're not alone. Here's the CliffsNotes: The entire MacBook Pro line – including the 13-inch, 15-inch, and 17-inch models – is getting a reboot. The 13-inch MacBook now gets anNVIDIA GeForce 320M graphics processor, which Apple says will run graphics 80 percent faster than the current model. The smallest MacBook will also come equipped with a 10-hour built-in battery.
Meanwhile, the 15-inch and 17-inch MacBook Pros have been upgraded to Intel Core i5 and i7 processors and Apple’s proprietary graphics switching technology. That tech toggles quickly between the NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M – the same processor on the new 13-inch MacBook – and a Intel HD Graphics processor. Bottom line: The MacBook line is getting a major hardware boost.
Prices for the new MacBooks remain relatively consistent. The most expensive model is the 2.53 GHz, 17-inch MacBook Pro, which goes for just under $2,300. The cheapest is the 2.4 GHz, 13-inch MacBook Pro, which gets a price tag of $1,199. Apple says that all the new MacBook Pros will come with the Snow Leopard operating system, and "inertial scrolling" for the trackpad.
Apple reps called the scrolling function "an intuitive way to scroll through large photo libraries, lengthy documents and long web sites."
The Apple Store closed for a while late last night, but it opened early on Tuesday with the new line of MacBook Pros. "The new MacBook Pro delivers both performance and efficiency," Apple execPhilip Schiller said in a statement. Apple expects to begin shipping updated MacBooks within 24 hours, according to copy posted to the Apple site.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Macbook Air

Apple today took the wraps off the newest iteration of its popular lightweight MacBook Aircomputer, and judging by the specs, screenshots, and early reviews, this thing is a doozy. Witnessthe Lion OS, the Intel Core i5 and Core i7 dual-core processors – which Apple says make the Air twice as fast as the previous generation – the Intel HD graphics, the FaceTime capability, the back-lit keyboard, and the Thunderbolt ports.
The new Apple MacBook Air will ship in two versions: an 11-inch and a 13-inch. The 11-inch Air weights just 2.38 pounds, while the 13-inch Air clocks in at just under 3 pounds; battery life is 5 and 7 hours, respectively. Both computers are 0.11 inches at their thinnest point, and both computers get the aluminum unibody design. Prices start at $999 for a base-model Air.

The Amazing Spider Man trailer

I’m a huge fan of Sam Raimi‘s original great series of films, and Spider-Man 2 remains very high on my list of greatest comic book superhero films ever produced. So I was sad to see that series end abruptly without a chance to bring everything to a formal close.
That said, though, I’ve watched through the production, and my faith in the filmmakers and their loyalty to the source material and to fans is unquestionable at this point. They did a lot of stunts and web-slinging in real life instead of all CGI, they’re bringing back much more of the science-geek angle with Peter building his own web-shooters, and the casting is perfect, across the board.
Now, with this trailer, I’m hooked. I LOVE that end shot! This film is aptly named, because that trailer does look amazing.
The Amazing Spider-Man releases July 3, 2012. Next summer is packed full of greatness for comic book fans, and it can’t get here soon enough.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

News Corp in crisis

As news corp s in crisis
The Wall Street Journal's headline says it all: "Showdown Time Comes for Murdoch." But even as US questions arise, fellow media mogul Steve Forbes writes that Rupert Murdoch will "survive and thrive again."
As the News Corp. chairman and CEO, his son James and the embattled former (resigned and then arrested) News International head Rebekah Brooks appear before a three-hour parliamentary hearing into phone-hacking allegations in London today, Bloomberg News is reporting that Rupert Murdoch is ready to step down.
News Corp. COO Chase Carey is on standby to assume the CEO position, according to Bloomberg, while Murdoch would remain chairman in that scenario — all depending how today's hearing goes. News Corp in crisis

Story of Murdoch Scandal

Murdoch makes fresh apology that Brooks is arrested by the British police
* Figures in Britain phone hacking scandal
* Thank you and goodbye, said News of the World
London: two days before it was clear that the news of the world had murdered schoolgirl mobile hacked, igniting a scandal that his son James Rupert Murdoch media empire told friends that he thought that the worst of the problems were behind him has shaken.
And was convinced that the delivery of News Corp 12 million dollars for the company of the British Sky Broadcasting satellite, according to a person would present.
Now, with his Lieutenant more confidence, Rebekah Brooks, persons detained on suspicion of phone hacking and paying the police for information, links, news broadcasting bid of the seal in the world and the other nine prisoners, Rupert and James Murdoch 168 years before a British Parliament upset on Tuesday is scheduled.
It is a spectacle of closest to Rupert Murdoch for years trying to avoid.
Interviews with dozens of people involved in the scandal of hacking, including current and former employees of News Corp.
give a picture of how a small group of executives strategies for years that the effect was adopted of hiding the extent of the abuses in the press room for News of the World, the best-selling tabloid in Britain. And once the hacking scandal reported, they unsuccessfully scrambled quarantine for the damage.