Friday, February 25, 2011

Hay Fever is coming..............

                     Now as the winter has come to an end. Now days the mercury is falling below the previous records so making it unable to bear the chills.
                    The spring season is welcomed by all of us. Not only because we get rid of chilling winter season but also as it brings all the possible colors from heaven on earth in the form of flowers. Every one loves flower and its fragrance. The easiest way to impress a girl is red rose gift. Or if your friend is recovering from severe cold wish him get well soon with beautiful flower bouquet.
                   The colors and fragrance are welcomed and appreciated by all age groups and both sexes. But there are few people who are not so lucky to enjoy this natural beauty. They can not take afford to flowers close to them. The reason is Hay Fever.
                   Also known as allergic rhinitis. It occurs because of allergic reaction of pollens, petals and other parts of fresh flower and leaves of few plants. Hay fever arises by inhaling these pollen grains or dust which causes inflammation in nasal cavity making it difficult to breath. There is excessive release of histamines causing allergic reactions. The face starts blushing because of excess fluid secretion.
The condition becomes severe if exposed to huge allergens. The only way to avoid this
condition is to take precautionary measures. Avoid flowers smelling. However now day’s anti-allergic drugs are suggested to be taken a week prior to spring season. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Why students perform poor in exams?

                          Have you ever heard exams without any fear? The answer will be NO? Without second thought. Whether you are genius like Einstein or an average student, no one can escape from the ghost of examination stress. Stress is the major factor responsible for underperformance in examination. Children generally do not know how to handle this symptom and perform better.
                 Students perform poor in exams not because they were poor in preparation or they did not study well but because they do not know how to handle the stress during the final hours. We know a lot of friends and seniors whom we never saw with books but at the time of exams they perform relatively better than expected from them. Have you ever tried to figure out the reason anytime? May be your answer would be they are lucky.
But the scientific reason for their better performance without any preparation is that they are not stressed during exams. They remain calm and take exams just as a routine activity. But this does not mean you stop studying and relax.
But there are also few effective steps to combat this situation. You should try the following techniques to effectively counter the ghost of examination stress.
  1. Meditation is most effective and tried technique used since ancient time to relax the mind and fight stress. Meditation helps in having better control on your thought process and to improve memory .This activity increases retention power and recall efficacy especially during stress conditions.
  2. Yoga helps in keeping body and mind stress free .Yoga helps in releasing serotonin in the brain. This chemical is known to have anxiolytic activity which means it reduces stress and anxiety during the final few minutes.
  3. Sports involving physical activity also assist in reliving stress by secreting serotonin in the brain. At least 30 minutes should be spent on games or general exercise .This well help increasing retention power.
  4. Music is the oldest remedy for fighting stress, students should listen to music for at least 30 minutes everyday to relieve stress.
Using these few simple methods students increase their retention power, improve memory and enhance the recall capacity during examination.
Best of Luck for future exams…………….

Bad breath test:

                              Bad breath may turn into a nightmare in someone’s life .As this condition degrades reputation in your social circle by reflecting poor hygiene habit. Even adds on to your pain if you are suffering from bleeding gums. But this situation can tackled effectively if diagnosed at an early stage. In majority cases the patient remains unaware of this because it is very difficult to smell own breath. But there some other effective and testes methods to test bad breath. These tests are very simple and can be applied at our home only.
Below, I outline the pros and cons of different self-testing techniques.
Hand-Cupping method:
                           This is one of the worst methods, as it is difficult to direct the air coming out of your nose into your mouth. Furthermore, it is easier to smell bad breath when the odor is removed from your mouth (i.e. with a cotton swab, toothpick, etc.) than when it is coming out of your mouth.

 Take cotton gauze, swab the back of your tongue and inside the cheeks .This swab will then get wet with foul matter, and if it smells like rotten egg or fish then you are suffering from bad breath.
Using Toothpick:
                    Take a toothpick, and then move it in between your back teeth. Take it out and smell immediately. Toothpick may smell bad if you are suffering from bad smell. This test is not so effective and used for preliminary tests only and not a professional test for bad breath.
                       This method is used by professional dentists and hygienists .Halimeter is an electronic device that measures bad breath .This method is effective and sure but quite costly.
Home testing kit:
                       Home testing kits are available in the market. This kit contains swabs, to gather bacterial and sulfuric samples from the back of tongue. Take sample from the cheeks and tongue, and then soak them in the test solution. Wait for sometime for the solution to change the color .The color of the solution indicates severity of bad breath. These kits have one drawback and that is its cost.
Licking Wrist Method:
                     Another common way to check for bad breath is to lick your wrist, let it dry for a minute, and then smell it. Unfortunately, this method is also not perfect.
Dental Floss:
                    This method is as effective as using a toothpick, as it is difficult to get good sample from the back of tongue. This dental floss should be devoid of any fragrance agent as t mask the bad breath. And may result into a negative test.
Time of Test:
                      Time plays an important role in testing bad breath effectively. The best time to test bad breath symptoms is one hour after brushing the teeth. As at this time only the persons with halitosis will smell bad and not others. Testing bad breath at home early in the morning after awaking because at this time almost every person smells bad.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New contraceptive for men

                       No this blog is not about condoms. The good news is that now  women can have a better sex life with the development of injectable form of contraceptive for men along with penis enlargement techniques. This new discovery will reduce the burden of family –planning in women. Till date all the contraceptives either oral , injectable or in physical form were meant for women leading to a lot of complications in women like in case copper-T(causing irritation & infection) and oral contraceptives causing weight gain. Moreover, both men and women has always complained about the level of satisfaction while using condoms.
                        The new drug has been tried in more than 200 volunteers as per the trial designed by WHO. In the trial a combination of testosterone and progesterone was injected to volunteers .One shot of this combination was given every two months. The combination works by reducing the sperm count. A significant number of sperms ,  almost 20 million per milliliter of semen were reduced. In another trial conducted in Sweden, no pregnancy was reported. The success rate of this injectable was better than condoms and similar to oral contraceptives of females.
                            "The results are very encouraging and it has gone very well," the Scotsman quoted Professor Richard Anderson, from Edinburgh University's reproductive and developmental sciences division, as saying. the new injection technique only needs to be given every two months. (ANI).
                               But men would have to wait for some more time as the drug is in the third phase of trial and will be marketed only after couple of years. With only six jabs a year, this technique will change the course family –planning.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Green Tea extract - a wonderful remedy for heart diseases , cancer ,aging

                                                         !!!!!Green Tea!!!!
                        Tea is the oldest beverage used on this earth apart from wine. Eastern countries like China and Japan are thought to be the originator of this wonderful beverage. Now a day tea is consumed not merely because of its taste but for its significant medicinal properties also. Have you ever thought when the whole western world is spending so much money on heart diseases at the same time Japan and China have lowest incidences of heart attack. It’s only because of the form of tea they are consuming since thousands of years. Yes it is the Green Tea form which is benefiting their health.
As most of us are familiar with coffee and black tea, but they are not as much beneficial as the green tea. Over the years a lot of medical and scientific studies have performed to evaluate the benefits of green tea. And almost all the studies conducted have shown significant benefits.
               The difference lies in the method of processing. Tea leaves are produced by the plant named as Camellia sinensis. Black tea is obtained by fermentation of tea leaves and Green tea by steaming the leaves. Fermentation destroys the active ingredient while steaming retains this element intact which ultimately produces its beneficial effect.
Active ingredient:
                                  It’s important to know why this product is being accepted so widely.
Tea leaves contain the active ingredient class as Flavenoids especially epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). It is a powerful anti-oxidant. Its anti-oxidant property is considered to 100 times more than vitamin-C and 25 times more than vitamin-E.  It reduces the level of free radicals produced in the body by smoking, alcohol, pollutants and general metabolic reactions of body.
Benefits of Green Tea:
                                       For years it has been seen that Japan and China has huge population of smokers but still they have less incidences of heart attack, cancer and stroke because of antioxidant property of green tea.
Effect on heart:
                           Green tea helps in reducing the level of HDL (bad cholesterol) and increasing the level of LDL (good cholesterol) . Thereby reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. EGCG prevents blood clot formation in coronary arteries.

Cancer prevention:
                                 Free radicals originating from smoke, pollutants and junk food have carcinogenic properties. Green tea has an excellent anti-oxidant property, thus providing natural protection against carcinogens. Studies have revealed green tea reduces incidences of gastric cancer to a significant level.

Men’s Health: 
                        Green tea extract has proven effect on increasing sperm count. Flavenoids have positive effect on semen formation. Thus it helps in improving libido profile in men. Chinese sumo wrestlers and athletes drink green tea as to improve their reflexes and strengthen their muscle tone. As these athletes have to do a lot of exercise causing the release of huge amount of free radicals, then the antioxidant compounds of  green tea helps them recovering from their damages. In older men green tea can be beneficial in reducing enlargement of prostate gland. 2-3 cups of green tea can prevent lethargy in hectic workers.

Rheumatoid arthritis:
                                   Studies have shown that green tea also benefits patients of rheumatoid arthritis because of its pain relieving properties.
 Other uses:
  1. Prevention of tooth decay
  2. Prevention of viral infection in winter and rainy season
  3. Weigh loss
  4. Improvement of concentration
  5. Improving reflexes and IQ

                          Green tea is available in the market in various forms like powder, capsules, whole tea and health beverages.