Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New contraceptive for men

                       No this blog is not about condoms. The good news is that now  women can have a better sex life with the development of injectable form of contraceptive for men along with penis enlargement techniques. This new discovery will reduce the burden of family –planning in women. Till date all the contraceptives either oral , injectable or in physical form were meant for women leading to a lot of complications in women like in case copper-T(causing irritation & infection) and oral contraceptives causing weight gain. Moreover, both men and women has always complained about the level of satisfaction while using condoms.
                        The new drug has been tried in more than 200 volunteers as per the trial designed by WHO. In the trial a combination of testosterone and progesterone was injected to volunteers .One shot of this combination was given every two months. The combination works by reducing the sperm count. A significant number of sperms ,  almost 20 million per milliliter of semen were reduced. In another trial conducted in Sweden, no pregnancy was reported. The success rate of this injectable was better than condoms and similar to oral contraceptives of females.
                            "The results are very encouraging and it has gone very well," the Scotsman quoted Professor Richard Anderson, from Edinburgh University's reproductive and developmental sciences division, as saying. the new injection technique only needs to be given every two months. (ANI).
                               But men would have to wait for some more time as the drug is in the third phase of trial and will be marketed only after couple of years. With only six jabs a year, this technique will change the course family –planning.

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