Friday, February 25, 2011

Hay Fever is coming..............

                     Now as the winter has come to an end. Now days the mercury is falling below the previous records so making it unable to bear the chills.
                    The spring season is welcomed by all of us. Not only because we get rid of chilling winter season but also as it brings all the possible colors from heaven on earth in the form of flowers. Every one loves flower and its fragrance. The easiest way to impress a girl is red rose gift. Or if your friend is recovering from severe cold wish him get well soon with beautiful flower bouquet.
                   The colors and fragrance are welcomed and appreciated by all age groups and both sexes. But there are few people who are not so lucky to enjoy this natural beauty. They can not take afford to flowers close to them. The reason is Hay Fever.
                   Also known as allergic rhinitis. It occurs because of allergic reaction of pollens, petals and other parts of fresh flower and leaves of few plants. Hay fever arises by inhaling these pollen grains or dust which causes inflammation in nasal cavity making it difficult to breath. There is excessive release of histamines causing allergic reactions. The face starts blushing because of excess fluid secretion.
The condition becomes severe if exposed to huge allergens. The only way to avoid this
condition is to take precautionary measures. Avoid flowers smelling. However now day’s anti-allergic drugs are suggested to be taken a week prior to spring season. 

1 comment:

  1. woo, it's a great blog to make oneself fit n healthy as we have to meet our girl friends regularly.

    If you get fever, then ready to miss your girl friend just recharge your mobile to have chat with your friends..
