Sunday, March 20, 2011

Own your a leader..

                                 “Life is too short to live someone else's dream”. I can not believe anyone who says “he/she does not dream during day”. History has witnessed great leaders were great dreamers. There can not be any leader without a dream. Their dreams can be defined as their mission of life. The most effective leaders have a clear cut vision created by this dream, and this drives them to motivate others to share their dream. Effective leaders appear to have amazing amounts of energy that drives them to believe in their personal mission. 
                               We should always ask ourselves what our dream is. What is the purpose of our life? And then inquire is our dream backed up by our honest and thoughtful actions? Without actions we can not transform our dreams into reality. No matter how great one's dream is, it is essential for a leader to "wake up" and transform the dream into reality by our action.
                                               Let's all "own our dreams" ......

1 comment:

  1. rightly said dreams require efforts equivalent.
    without actions dreams remain dreams where all the dreamers fail to dream the next dream.
