Saturday, March 19, 2011

Radioactive Iodine in Tokyo Tap water

                                          Now Japan faces a threat of contaminated water after the disastrous earthquake on March 11. The Japanese government has reports the presence of radioactive iodine in the tap water in Tokyo and nearby areas. However the Government officials confirmed the amounts did not exceed government safety limits. 
How to protect yourself from radioactive Iodine :
                                     If large amounts of radioactive iodine are released during an nuclear accident, large doses of stable iodine may be distributed by government agencies to keep your thyroid gland from absorbing too much radioactive iodine: Raising the concentration of stable iodine in the blood, increases the likelihood that the thyroid will absorb it instead of radioactive iodine. (Note: Large doses of stable iodine can be a health hazard and should not be taken except in an emergency. However iodized table salt is an important means of acquiring essential non-radioactive iodine to maintain health.)

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